When someone is diagnosed with cancer in the United States, doctors typically waste no time in scheduling him/her for chemotherapy, radiation, or both. This, despite the fact that five-year survival rates after treatment using these methods is poor.

In a 2004 report published by the Royal College of Radiologists, the number of people who survived five years past a cancer diagnosis was a mere 2.3 percent in Australia and 2.1 percent in the United States. The report studied 22 types of malignant cancer.

Why is this? Why is this one standard treatment approach used for every cancer diagnosis? This is especially puzzling when you consider that chemotherapy was specifically invented for treatment of systemic cancers like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, early breast cancer, and teratoma of testis.

At Infusio, we encourage people with a new cancer diagnosis and their families to consider that they have options beyond chemotherapy and radiation. This is important because choosing a traditional method of cancer treatment may deplete your body’s ability to handle another type of treatment that could be more beneficial.

An Integrative Approach to Fighting Cancer

Kerry Witzeman was just 53 years old when her doctor informed her that she had bladder cancer. After removing a tumor the size of a golf ball from her bladder, her urologist delivered the shocking news that she would need to have her bladder removed and continue with a standard cancer treatment. Not wanting to undergo surgery or chemotherapy, Kerry and her husband researched naturopathic cancer care. What they discovered could benefit all people whose doctors have told them that invasive surgery and chemotherapy that will make them weak and sick is their only hope.

The problem with chemotherapy is that it destroys the immune system, leaving it weak and vulnerable to future attacks. It may hold off the progression of cancer for a short time. However, this is little comfort considering that many cancers return more aggressively after a period of remission. Immune modulation kills cancer cells while simultaneously helping to strengthen the patient’s immune system. It is the first step in an integrative approach to overcoming cancer for good.

The body’s immune system cannot do its job fighting cancer when it is filled with toxins. People acquire toxins, metabolic waste, and heavy metals just by eating and breathing in modern society. Detoxification rids the body of these substances to improve its metabolic function. Since this can temporarily throw the body into a state of imbalance, cancer patients should immediately receive high intravenous doses of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals to replace the toxins. This has been proven to have the same effect as cancer-fighting drugs without the potential of side effects.

Balance is Essential

While chemotherapy has a poor long-term success rate, it is important to remember that not all traditional approaches to fighting disease are ineffective. Integrative oncology uses the best of traditional and non-traditional methods to help patients eliminate cancer cells from their bodies. The specific method of treatment depends on the type of cancer and how far it has progressed. One such example of combined treatment is using a standard modality such as high dose Vitamin C administration with an intense focus on nutrition and supplementation.

Stress and certain lifestyle choices leave people susceptible to disease, including cancer. Therefore, reducing stress and incorporating healthy habits such as regular exercise are instrumental in the long-term outcome of any type of cancer.

If you’d like to learn more about Infusio and our individualized and integrative approach to cancer care, you will find more information on our site about biological cancer therapy.

For more information, please reach out to us at info@evo-bh.com or 1-800-470-6229.