One of the primary goals of undergoing cosmetic surgery is naturally to improve one’s beauty. When we think of this journey of achieving an approved aesthetic, it is common to focus on the procedure itself as the sole transforming event. In other words, whether it be liposuction, a face-life, or a breast augmentation, we generally attribute our “new” shape, line, form, and general appearance to that single day of surgery. However, a more complete perspective on cosmetic surgery quickly reveals that optimizing our health before and after surgery provides the best clinical results.


Surgical “Stress”

We can all relate to the reality of stress—its many sources (e.g., work) are seemingly never ending and we all strive to manage and mitigate this force in our lives. However, the concept of surgical stress is different. Surgical stress is a form of physiologic, or body stress, that your body undergoes in response to injury and to promote repair. While there are several causes of physiologic stress, surgery, regardless of the operation, is near or at the top of the list. Like life’s stressors, it is recognized and advisable to minimize and contain surgical stress, particularly for at risk patients such as diabetics or those with heart disease as these patients are at greatest risk for surgical complications. Considerable research has shown that patients who experience less surgical stress benefit from:


  • Vastly improved surgical recovery times.
  • Faster wound healing.
  • Reduced risk of local and whole-body infections.
  • Reduced pain, bruising, and swelling.
  • Reduced post-operative complications.


The good news is that by optimizing one’s condition before and after surgery, one can significantly reduce surgical stress. Strategies for optimization start with nutrition. A proper regimen of intravenous (IV) nutritional supplements can afford your body the proteins and other building blocks that are necessary in the healing process. In addition, careful nutrition can often lead to weight loss which is also linked to better surgical outcomes. After surgery, a discipline of proper hydration and continued balanced nutrition can reduce levels of inflammation as well as increase the amount of critical oxygen delivered directly to the tissues. The result is improved healing and faster recovery times.


In short, the road to a new, improved, and beautiful you is not just about the day of surgery. In fact, pre- and post-surgical optimization might be your most important before and after!


For more information about Surgical Optimization contact us.

For more information, please reach out to us at or 1-800-470-6229.