If you have Lyme disease, you have probably been to doctors and may even have been diagnosed with several different conditions. It’s likely you have tried numerous therapies as well, only to feel no better than when you started. Sadly, Lyme disease can be a difficult condition to diagnose and treat because its initial symptoms of chills, fever, headache, and rash mimic so many other illnesses.


Unfortunately, if left untreated or not treated appropriately in the early stages, Lyme disease can progress to arthritis, neurological, and cardiac disorders.

Treating Lyme Disease in a Coordinated Fashion

For many people, the standard Lyme disease treatment of Doxycycline simply does not work. It’s easy to understand why when you consider that no two people manifest the symptoms of Lyme disease in exactly the same way. An integrative approach alters the environment in the body to make healing and an eventual cure possible.

That being said, the following seven principles are designed to work together and build upon each other to help you achieve real and lasting results:


Re-establish Your Immune System

The first principle of treating Lyme disease is re-establishing a healthy response from your immune system. When your immune system is working properly, it can offset the damage done by a tick infected with Lyme disease. People who develop the condition often have a weak immune system due to hereditary factors, lifestyle choices, stress, and poor diet. Once your immunity is strong, you are ready to incorporate the other principles of a coordinates Lyme disease treatment program.

Cell Optimization

In addition to the factors mentioned above, breathing in microbes can have a negative impact on the way the cells in your body function. Your cells don’t receive the nutrients they need to allow you to be as healthy as possible. Optimizing your cellular terrain makes it much more difficult for microbes to damage them and compromise your health.

Lowering Your Body’s Microbial Load

Traditional Lyme treatment only targets a single bug, which typically is not enough for you to achieve complete wellness. By stimulating your cells antimicrobial functions, it takes an enormous load off your immune system and helps bring it into balance.

Repair Cell Signals

When too many bugs are present in your body, it changes the behavior of your hormones and neurotransmitters in addition to the way that cells send signals to one another. This returns your internal functioning to something that is much more organized and predictable.

Repair Cell, Nerve & Organ Damage

Stem cells have a unique ability to repair and restore the damage caused by an infected tick. When used as part of cell therapy, they replace damaged tissues and repair internal organs.

Repair Genetic Mutations

Although you have no control over the genes you inherit, you can repair the damage of gene mutation caused by bugs and microbes. It is common for a genetic mutation to cause cellular dysfunction, including the inability of the cells to detox themselves when you have acquired an infection. Integrated Lyme disease treatment resets your immune system and alleviates your symptoms, but it cannot correct an underlying genetic dysfunction.

Shift Thinking from Survival to Recovery

Developing a survival mindset tends to happen naturally after several months or years of dealing with the effects of Lyme disease. It can be hard to change from learning to manage your symptoms, medications, doctor’s appointments, and everything else that comes with being a Lyme patient to an expectation of recovery. However, this may be the most important aspect of all in your treatment protocol.

For more information, please reach out to us at info@evo-bh.com or 1-800-470-6229.